CS605 - Software Engineering Finalterm Subjective Paper July 2012
Shared by Sara Aman 2 Marks
1. Why in the software engineering measurements are collected?
2. Fault tree can be used to predict the chain of events?
3. “Message chain” can be a bad smell in the coding justifies it with reason?
4. CCB stands for what?
Marks 3
5. Write down the guide line to make a review meeting success full?
6. What characteristics of extreme programming make it different to the other life cycle models?
7. If the requirements are not traceable then what will be the impact on the requirement management?
8. Is this correct that in the Reverse engineering we move from lower abstraction to the higher abstraction level?
5 marks
9. A technical review meeting is attended by the Review leader, the reviewer and the producer. Write the roll of producer and the reviewer in the meeting?
10. Why the “Large classes” and “Duplicate code” are considered as bad smell give at least one reason for each?
11. We can ensure the 100% risk free software development process, can we guarantee that during the entire software development process there will b no occurrence of any risk. Comment with the reason?
12. When ever change is required, CCB decide allow to happen or deny. If it is decided that change is necessary it is needed ECO engineer change order is generated. What types of information are depicted by ECO?