Spring 2011
CS507- Information Systems
Time: 120 min
Paper Pattern: Total Questions: 53 MCQ’s 40
Subjective 05 (2 Marks) Subjective 04 (3 Marks) Subjective 05 (5 Marks)
Q1: Differentiate between Bugs and Virus?
Q2: What do you mean by messaging?
Q3: Define Vulnerability?
Q4: What steps should be followed to assess the risk?
Q5: How we can assess the risk by using the risk analysis?
Q6: Differentiate between CRM and ERP?
Q7: Define Ecommerce and also tell how it helps in Business?
Q8: How much IS Integration function important and define in detail?
Q9: Compare the functions of Small Size Organization to the Large Size Organization?
Q10: Define Firewall in detail and how it protects computer from the threats?