There is a context aware mobile application which provides services to end users about nearby restaurant for lunch/dinner, nearby mosque, hospitals, and schools using sensor/s. This Context aware application works with a combination of sensors in order to adjust themselves according to their external environment. Few other requirements are also illustrated below:
- Application can find nearby restaurants by taking advantage of sensors like GPS, accelerometer, time, etc. Application will take context aware decision based upon user’s location, activities, etc.
- Application should provide a user-friendly interface to user in order to view nearby restaurant, mosques, hospitals, schools. The view can either be list, grid or maps based.
- The application should provide user with interface for setting priorities for his meal time (lunch, dinner etc.) alerts using time.
- The application should be able to detect weather the person is busy or free to use the application.
For further understanding of the system, use case diagram of this system is given below:
- Draw the logical model/class diagram of the above scenario.
- Draw the architecture of the above system (three tiers) and mention which architectural style can map with this system with proper justification.
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