How to Hacking WAN Internet by Using Public Dynamic IP Address
I have another request tutorial about how to set up an attack via WAN / Internet. This guy asking how to set up an attack when he only have a 3G internet modem, as you know that maybe some 3G internet modem will use a public dynamic IP address(the ip address will change dynamically).
Actually I can't write the tutorial very detailed(with screenshot) because now I didn't use the 3G modem but I already try it when I was in Indonesia, but I will try harder to make you can understand what i want to convey in this article. 
Requirements :
2. Internet Modem with public dynamic IP address.
Step by Step :
1. Log in to your DynDNS account, then click on "Add Zone/Domain Services" (click here). 2. Then the next step you need to choose the sub domain name from dyndns(because we use the free one) and then fill the rest of that form(click here) Information :
Hostname --> just fill the name you want to use.
Service type --> choose host with IP address(because you use dynamic IP).
IP Address --> In example above I'm using IP address of,
but you can fill it with your own ip(see the red box) that already detected by
the system. If you still unsure about your IP, you can view how to check my public IP address.