Instead of port forwarding we use a VPN(Virtual Private Network).
You can use Proxpn.
Step 1:
Step 2:
After creating an account, login with your account and create a host. You can do this by just following the steps.
Goto this link, and login. Then follow the steps as shown in the picture.
Finally click “Create Host”.
Step 3: Setting up your server.
Open the xtreme.exe file you have downloaded.
By default, the language is Portuguese. So you can change it into English as shown in the figure below.
Now goto FIile->create server. It is shown in the figure below.
When you are done, it opens a new window and then select the “+” symbol as shown in the following figure.
Then it opens a new window and you can give any name you want as your profile name.
In my case it is “profile1”.
After this, you need to give your no-ip domain name by selecting the option “add dns”. This can be done by clicking the ”+” symbol next to your profile name.
Fill this as “”
Now click on “install options” and uncheck the two options as shown in the figure and then click on “create server” option which is the last one in the figure. You can follow these steps from the following figure.
Then simply click the tick mark which is green in color and save your server file. You are done.
Now upload this server file on any file hosting site and prompt your victim to download it. Or you can send it via email. When he clicks it, your client will connect to his system as shown below.
Now you will access all his files right from your computer. I have added a screen shot of how it looks like.
Legal disclaimer:
Using RATs on remote systems without their permission is illegal. This article is for educational purpose only. Dont do anything illegal. I will not be held responsible for that.