Dear Friends,
The last few days have seen some of the most heartbreaking photos and videos coming out of the state of New Jersey. Even days after the tragedy of Hurricane Sandy, over 1 million New Jersey residents are still without running water or power.
This program demonstrates the positive power of Social Media and it’s effectiveness in helping those during their time of need. School Districts affected by Sandy can simply fill out the form on the website listing supplies they need in order to get back on their feet. School Districts, business, or individuals looking to donate can contact those in need directly to provide assistance.
I am writing to you to ask for two things:
1. Would you please help us and spread the word of this event by linking our #NJED Badge to your website or blog
2. Please consider helping us promote this cause on your various social media channels.
Thank you for your time and consideration for this great cause.
We are also looking into creating a place for donations to be made for school districts/students in need. If you could help us create such a place, this would be much appreciated.