I am extremely excited that my second book is now available through Solution Tree entitled What Principals Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Science. It was a great deal of fun co-authoring this book with Keith Devereaux, one of my Science teachers at New Milford High School. It is our hope that this book becomes the go to resource for principals looking to establish and maintain effective science programs that focus on doing science as opposed to just knowing. Principals will not only find the latest research on effective science instruction, but also tips for integrating technology, purchasing materials, assessment, and establishing safe lab environments.

As noted on the back over of the book, science awakens creativity and reveals to students an exciting world of innovation and exploration. It also provides the ideal platform from which to teach learners the engagement skills they will need as we move further into the 21st Century. The book will guide school leaders through the specific aspects and components of an effective science program: inquiry, curricula, program evaluation, inquiry-based learning, assessment, and professional development. There are also various reproducibles that come along with this book that principals should find valuable. With this book principals will be able to:- Obtain an overreaching knowledge of science as it relates to standards, safety, and instruction
- Learn key principles to promote science literacy schoolwide
- Evaluate your science program using practical reproducibles, checklists, assessments, and tools
- Create and sustain successful teacher teams
- Learn essential strategies to support teachers in planning lessons
- Discover how to focus science instruction on questioning and problem solving
The following excerpt was taken from the Solution Tree website:
This accessible resource offers practical strategies for increasing student achievement in science and fostering a school environment that supports the science curriculum. Assess your own science programs, and find tools to evaluate teachers' preparedness for science instruction. With checklists, assessments, and reproducibles that you can share with teachers, parents, and other stakeholders, discover how to improve science instruction and sustain a strong science program.
Although this book is written primarily for a K-8 audience, we feel that it could be a valuable resource for any principal looking to improve the science program at his or her school.