When you connect your USB devices to your Pc-System for your need then you see some shortcuts files and folders in your USB Devices it's looking some new types of files to unknown users because it has no extenshion and show garbage icons which is new one for nknown users and they speedly open these kind of files and folder and allow these dangerous files and folders to attack on your PC-System.
It's not just a dangerous virus that harm your Pc-System but it's help hacker to hack your system without any permission.This Virus called Trojan.and mostly antivirus can fails to detect this kind of virus.
There are some utilities that works well and easy to use,One of them i am gooing to share with you is HFV (Hidden Folder Virus) Cleaner Pro so you safe your Pc-System from Trojan which is commnly called Shortcut virus.Just download it and remove all Trojan Shortcuts Virus from your Pc-System.