Everyone that knows me is well aware of my professional affinity for Twitter. As I have previously mentioned many times on this blog, it was Twitter back in March of 2009 that served as a catalyst for my transformation into the leader that I am today. Prior to delving into this 140 character world I utilized traditional mediums for communication and professional development, had no idea what Web 2.0 was, and adamantly believed social media had absolutely no place in education. I would say things have changed a bit.
This past December I was honored to have Scholastic visit my school. They were led here, after all, by Twitter. The video below details my thoughts on this game-changing resource that is available for free to all educators.
On this, the first Digital Learning Day, I have some questions for those of you reading this post. Why do you use Twitter? If you don't, what are your reasons? Finally, how can we move more schools to embrace social media in general as a valuable educational tool?
(You can view the entire winter Scholastic Administrator magazine HERE).