I routinely blog throughout the school year about my staff and the great work they are doing to create learning environments that are engaging, rigorous, and student-centered. Social media has allowed me to share my staffs' continuous development of innovative learning activities to a diverse audience of stakeholders in my community and well beyond. This is something I take great pride in each day.
Image credit: http://0.tqn.com/d/healing/1/0/r/D/1/september-affirmation.jpg
As a result I often field requests for visits to my school to take a more detailed look at how my teachers are effectively integrating technology to improve teaching and learning. Last year representatives from Pearson reached out to me about visiting NMHS to observe some of my history teachers in action. It should be noted that this visit had absolutely nothing to do with Pearson trying to get us to purchase or review any other their products.The following is an except from an email that I received today from one of the representatives.
"Every day, I continue to find connections between my work at Pearson and the activities I observed at New Milford High. I’m so appreciative that you welcomed me into your school. The teachers were inspiring, and their openness to new ideas so refreshing. I hope it will be possible to continue our connection in some way in the coming school year."
For change to occur in any occupation people must be open to new ideas. Hearing this from an outsider affirms the fact that NMHS is moving in the right direction and it is because of the passionate and dedicated teachers that I am fortunate to work with each day.